Sometimes, when researching online, it’s helpful to be able to collect information in a form that can easily be printed out, so here’s how to save a web page as a PDF from three popular browsers:

Google Chrome:

– Top right (three-dot icon), choose ‘Print’ (or use Ctrl + P)

– In ‘Destination’ choose ‘Change’

– In ‘Select a Destination’, under the heading ‘Print Destinations’ choose ‘Save as PDF’ 

Work through the preview options and select ‘Save’

Microsoft Edge

– Choose ‘Print’ (top right of the browser) or Ctrl + P

– Under the ‘Printer’ drop-down menu select the ‘Microsoft Print to PDF’ option

– Go through the other options (margins and scale) and select ‘Print’


– Use the Windows 10 Microsoft Print to PDF function

– Press Ctrl + P to display the print menu

– Select ‘Microsoft Print to PDF from the printer options, and click on ‘OK’

– Select name and save location and click on ‘Save’


– Under ‘File’ choose ‘Print’ (or Command + P)

– Select ‘PDF’ from the left-hand corner of the window

– For a basic save, select ‘Save as PDF’

Of course, there’s now the new browser from ‘Brave’ … let’s see how popular that becomes!